Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tablecloth Placemat Color 20 Ways To Get Rid Of A Bad Date?

20 ways to get rid of a bad date? - tablecloth placemat color

1.At dinner, you can protect your base with a fork and a steak knife, giving the impression that you will hit anyone, including the waiter, who was not achieved.
2.Collect salt shakers from all tables in the restaurant, and the balance in a tower on the table.

3.Wipe nose on the sleeve of the day. Twice.

Grimaces 4.Make to other customers, then make fun their reactions.

5.Repeat every third word you say third say.

6.Give your claim to fame has voted Festerous "for his list of high school.

7.Read a newspaper or a book while eating. Ignore the date.

Neck 8.Stare date and gnashing of teeth audibly.

9.Twitch convulsively. When about this, and claimor they do not know what they are talking about.

10.Stand every five minutes, circle your table with their arms outstretched, and make airplane noises.

11.Order a bucket of lard.

12.Ask with crayons to color the water. This works very well in the most elegant that the use of table cloths.

13.Howl and a pipe in the legs of the jacket, especially if they are women.

14.Recite story. . Improvise Even pets.

15.Pull to play a harmonica and blues songs, when the day begins to talk about himself.

16.Sacrifice french fries to the great deity, Pomme.

17.When order to ask if the restaurant has any live food.

18.Without question of food on the plate from the time. Eat more fince their plate than they do.


20.Chew mouth open, talk with your mouth full and spray crumbs.


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